National Anthropological Archives

Guide to MS 3427 Drawings of pottery from Heshotauthla, New Mexico, 1888


Collection ID:
Magill, Margaret W.
Sawyer, Wells, 1863-1960
Physical Description:
70 Drawings (visual works)
13 x 9.75 inches

Scope and Contents

Scope and Contents
The collection consists of seventy (70) drawings. The bulk of the collection is comprised of sixty-nine (69) drawings by Margaret Magill depicting artifacts found at the Heshotauthla site in New Mexico during the Hemenway Expedition. The drawings were used illustrate "Ancient Zuni Pottery" by Jesse Walter Fewkes.
One (1) of the drawings is by Wells M. Sawyer and depicts an altar at Oraibi. A version of this subject by a different artist appears in "The Katcina altars in Hopi worship" also by Fewkes (1927). Fewkes states the illustration was taken from Voth, H. R. (Henry R.), 1855-1931. The Oraibi Powamu Ceremony. Chicago, 1901. This drawing appears to be unrelated to the work of the Hemenway Expedition and it is unclear how it became associated with this collection.
Please note that the contents of the collection and the language and terminology used reflect the context and culture of the time of its creation. As an historical document, its contents may be at odds with contemporary views and terminology and considered offensive today. The information within this collection does not reflect the views of the Smithsonian Institution or National Anthropological Archives, but is available in its original form to facilitate research.

Historical Note

Historical Note
The Hemenway Southwestern Archaeological Expedition (1886-1894) was the first major scientific archaeological expedition in the Southwest and is notable for the discovery of the prehistoric Hohokam culture. Financed by Mary Tileston Hemenway, a wealthy widow and philanthropist, it was initially led by Frank Hamilton Cushing. Cushing was replaced by Jesse Walter Fewkes in 1889.

Biographical Note

Biographical Note
Margart Whitehead Magill Hodge (1863-1935) served as the artist for the Hemenway Expedition. She was the sister-in-law of Frank Hamilton Cushing and married Frederick Webb Hodge in 1891.

Digital Content

Using the Collection

Preferred Citation
MS 3427 Drawings of pottery from Heshotauthla, New Mexico, National Anthropological Archives, Smithsonian Institution
Conditions Governing Access
The collection is open for research.
Access to the collection requires an appointment.
Conditions Governing Use
Contact the repository for terms of use.

Related Materials
The Braun Research Library Collection, Autry National Center, Los Angeles holds the Margaret W. Magill Artwork and Papers, 1883-1884 (BMS.516).
The Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library and Peabody Museum Archives Repository, Harvard University hold records of the Hemenway Expedition, including correspondence and artwork by Magill.

More Information

Local Numbers

Local Numbers
NAA MS 3427

Variant Title

Variant Title
68 wash illustrations of pottery, implements, etc. from Heshota Uthla, New Mexico

Publication Note

Publication Note
Drawings by Margaret W. Magill were published in:
Fewkes, Jesse Walter. "Ancient Zuni Pottery." In Putnam Anniversary Volume; Anthropological Essays Presented to Frederic Ward Putnam in Honor of His Seventieth Birthday April 16 1909, edited by Franz Boas, 43-82. New York: G.E. Stechert, 1909.


Keywords table of terms and types.
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Works of art Genre Form Search Smithsonian Collections Search ArchiveGrid
Watercolors Genre Form Search Smithsonian Collections Search ArchiveGrid
Drawings Genre Form Search Smithsonian Collections Search ArchiveGrid
Ancestral Pueblo (Anasazi) (archaeological) Cultural Context Search Smithsonian Collections Search ArchiveGrid
A:shiwi (Zuni) Cultural Context Search Smithsonian Collections Search ArchiveGrid
Hopi Pueblo Cultural Context Search Smithsonian Collections Search ArchiveGrid
North America Geographic Search Smithsonian Collections Search ArchiveGrid
New Mexico Geographic Search Smithsonian Collections Search ArchiveGrid
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Pottery Topical Search Smithsonian Collections Search ArchiveGrid

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